Acos Edutech was founded in 2006. We provide complete solutions in our products and services. In order to offer information technology solutions and Smart Classroom Products to small and medium-sized organisations. From the beginning, our goal has been to build trusting connections with our customers in order to meet their needs for efficient and dependable information technology solutions. The team at Acos Edutech has a highly developed skill set that has been acquired over decades of experience in business operations as well as information technology across a variety of industry sectors. Regardless of the industry, we are uniquely qualified to deliver solutions that promise increased operational effectiveness, productivity increases, and cost savings for each of our clients.


Our Vission is to build a business world full of growth, importance and link for everyone and to provide our
customers with measurable results.


From the start, we aim to provide our clients with the best product & service solution experience.        


A determination to continuously aspire, be imaginative and constantly develop
ourselves to become the best.


Think and develop Ideas

We start thinking as per what are problems faced by the sectors in their life and try to develop solutions which are beneficial.

User Friendly

We try to develop the products which are easily accessible to our customers which make their work easy.

Budget Friendly

We understand the market as per the customer’s choice and try to offer products with advance feature within budget.

Solutions to every problem

You can solve any problem with possible solutions are carefully evaluated and one of them is chosen for implementation.




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Happy Clients